Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Like mother like daughter.....

This dress was actually my dress when I was a little girl.  I wore it my first Christmas. My mom saved it and pulled it out of storage a few weeks ago.

While I was taking trying to take Christmas card pictures, I pulled it out and snapped a few pictures of Caroline wearing it.  I think it's still festive and cute even though it is almost 28 years old.  I probably shouldn't say that because it tells my age!! 


This is what Caroline looked like for the majority of the picture taking process.  She was extremely happy and slobbery!  She gave us lots of beautiful smiles.  Until......


She became hungry.  I've told you before; this girl is serious about her food.  When it's time, it is time!! 

I've been super busy the past week and its not going to get any better!!  We were out of town both Saturday and Sunday celebrating Christmas with both sides of the family.  We've got more get-togethers planned for this weekend as well as a little shopping. 

Maybe I'll be back before Christmas is over to post pictures of our Christmas trees.  

Merry Christmas, everyone!!!!!!!!  


1 comment:

Shae Page said...

I love the picture of Caroline in your dress! My mom saved a lot of dresses that she made me and it has been so neat to see Annistyn in them! You'll have to post a picture of Christmas card so we can all see it!!! :)