Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ummm and I love you.....

Last Monday, Connor said something that just thrilled my soul and warmed my heart.  He told me that he loved me for the first time.  I've been telling him that I love him everyday for two years.  He has never said it to me or anyone else until Monday. 

We were on our way home from school and I looked back and said "Connor, I love you!"  Usually he never says anything or turns his head.  I know he does this because I want him to tell me so bad, because usually he has a smirk on his face.  Anyway.... he looks up and says "I love you Mommy". 

It was absolutely the sweetest words I've ever heard.  Now he'll say it back to all of us.  He's even got a little confused.  Today when I told him that I loved him he said "I love me" instead of " I love you".  But that's okay!  I know what he means.

He's been talking our heads off lately.  I usually have to be the translator for everyone else.  I guess because I teach little kids and am familiar to "their" language, but really I think it's because mommy's just have that special touch with their little ones.  Anyway, another one of his favorite things to say is ummm.  When I don't know where he is, I can yell "Connor, where are you?", and he'll yell "Umm in my room".  This past week, any questions we ask him he answers with ummm.

He's our little mess and we love him very much!

Up next on the blog will be a huge post about Caroline.  It's been months since I've posted about her monthly accomplishments, so I've got tons to catch you up on! Until then.....


1 comment:

Meghon said...

So sweet! I know those had to be the sweetest words you've ever heard.