Tuesday, September 29, 2009

21 is a lot of fun!

Our Connor man turned 21 months yesterday! I know I keep saying this, but I just can't believe it! Where is the time going? Isn't there a song named "Don't blink...."? I guess I blinked....

Connor has grown so much lately.... He is a total DADDY'S boy! Wherever his daddy goes, he thinks he needs to be there also. Jed can't even take a shower without Connor standing at the door screaming for him. He's sleeping in a big boy bed at daycare, but refuses to sleep in his own bed at home. He sleeps right in the middle of Jed and me. He will decide he's sleepy, go get in the bed, and go to sleep; he just won't do that in his own bed! We've really got to start working on that!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, he absolutely loves Caroline! We have truly been blessed in that aspect. We were so worried about how he would handle it (having a little sister so close to him in age), but he's been a trooper! He also loves his cousin Kade. When Kade holds him, he puts his head on his shoulder. It's the cutest thing! He also can point to his ears, nose, eyes, hair, mouth, teeth, and toes. He calls every animal a puppy. He loves to ride in his wagon, swing, and "mow the grass" with his mini lawn mower. He loves playing with spoons and bowls, sweeping, and mopping. He also loves to run away from Jed and me, which is what he did Sunday when I tried to take his picture!

Some of his favorite phrases and words:

  • thank you
  • off
  • light
  • Bible
  • sister
  • Turn it off.
  • Shhhh
  • Hush, puppies! (when they bark)
  • Give me a bite.
  • No, No sister.
  • Nonner (his version of Connor)
  • Night, night.
  • Huh? (He says this Jed and I tell him anything. He acts as though he can't hear a word we say!)

Connor you are an absolute joy, a wonderful blessing from the Lord! We are so thankful the Lord chose us to be your parents!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Four months already?

We can't believe our baby girl is four months old.....

It seems like just yesterday, our little angel was born.

She is growing so fast! She went for her well check-up today. Dr. E said she is a growing and healthy little girl. She weighed 13 pounds 4 ounces and was 24 1/4 inches long. He also said her teeth are "moving", and we will probably see some very soon. (That explains all of the drooling she's been doing lately!)

Here are some things she can do:
  • laughs out loud at big brother
  • follows objects with her eyes (especially Connor when he walks by)
  • makes "motor" sounds with her mouth and blows bubbles
  • rolls over from her stomach to her back
  • has awesome head control
  • squeals at children at daycare when they walk by
  • sits in her Bumbo seat
  • holds a rabbit rattle (it's her favorite toy right now)
  • continues to sleep through the night (makes mommy SO HAPPY!!)
  • takes rice ceral in a feeder at lunch and before bed
  • wears 0-3 month and 3 month clothes (0-3 sizes are getting a little tight)
  • wears size 2 diapers
Jed and I call her chunky monkey, baby girl, and sweet Caroline. We always seem to break into song at least three times a day or more.... Sweet Caroline. Connor calls her sister, sister. He absolutely loves her. If she's in the floor, he has to lay in the floor. If she's in the recliner, he has to sit beside her in the recliner. I actually captured a few pictures recently of him beside her and of him giving her "sugar".

We love you baby girl and thank God for you everyday!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A New Look......

Thank you so much Shae for giving our blog a new design! You have worked so hard and put up with all of my requests! According to Jed, that's a job in itself!

We've had a great weekend. We got to spend Friday and Saturday at home. That rarely happens around here! But when it does, we thoroughly enjoy it!!!! Caroline turned four months old Saturday! Our little baby is growing up so fast. Today was my mom's birthday. We enjoyed the day with her and the rest of my family. Happy Birthday Mother!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lions, Tigers, and Bears.......

This past Sunday, Jed, Connor, Caroline, and I went to McClellend's Critters with my mother-in-law and father-in-law. It is located in Banks, Alabama (way out in the woods).

They have lots of critters including bears, lions, tigers, monkeys, snakes, birds, goats, horses, deer, etc. You can see most of the animals you would see at the Montgomery Zoo. Mr. Mike gives you a tour, and the animals show you tricks that they've learned. Each of the animals have cute names, and Mr. Mike can call each one by name. Very impressive! They even have a picnic area with tables and swings. We had a bucket of food and were able to feed the animals (most of them). I got a huge kick out of the billy goats. They fought over the food. I felt so sorry for this one black goat because the male would not let her eat. I finally was able to sneak her some food. Jed and I loved to feed the animals just as much as Connor did.

This monkey loved Diet Cokes and marshmallows! Here he is drinking and relaxing.

Connor checking out Bucky, the baby deer. He was so cute. They let you go into the pen with him. They even let him out so Connor could get a better look at him. As you can see, Connor was very intrigued by him. He kept calling him puppy. To Connor, every animal is a puppy!

Connor called these precious baby goats puppies, too. They would come up to Connor and Caroline and lick the stroller. Connor would say, "No, No puppies. No No". It was so cute!

Here's a tiger and a bear doing their tricks. The tiger would stand on two legs for a piece of chicken. Look at how tall he is! He's so much taller than Mr. Mike! It looks like Mr. Mike and the bear are kissing, but they're not! Mr. Mike would put a marshmallow in his mouth and lean up to the fence. The bear would take it out of his mouth! Mr. Mike is a very brave man, maybe even a little crazy, too!

Jed, Connor, and Dan, my father-in-law, were very brave also... Jed held three snakes. He started out with the little red snake that 's crawling on Connor's stroller. Look at how interested Connor is in the snake. I couldn't believe it, especially since he is so afraid of bugs. He won't even touch them, but yet he lets a snake get that close to him and doesn't even flinch! Amazing!!

Jed held the snake by himself first, and then Dan stepped in for a picture. I was a chicken and would not even touch the snakes. They gave me the creeps! I even get goose pumps just thinking about them now!!!

We had a great time! I would love to go back, take a picnic lunch and spend the day. I have a nephew and some cousins that I'm sure would love to go! Thanks for the fun day Nay-Nay and Pop Pop!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day---A Day of Firsts

We enjoyed a great Labor Day holiday. Both Jed and I really enjoyed being away from work and spending time at home with the kids. We cooked out at Nay-Nay's house (Jed's mom). I absolutely love it when we "get together" with our families! Both Connor and Caroline did something for the first time........

Connor jumped off the diving board! He has hated the pool all year. Instead of swimming, he would rather be playing on the tractor or with the water hose. He saw his Uncle Kyle jump off of the diving board, thought it was fun, started running towards it, climbed on, and jumped off into Jed's arms. I couldn't believe my eyes! Of course, I had to get my camera, but he jumped so fast I missed the first jump. These pictures are of some of his later jumps. He probably jumped off about five times!

Connor playing on the tractor before he realized he liked to jump off of the diving board.

Thinking about it......

Maybe not.... I'll leave that up to the big guys!

Jumping with cousin Kade's help.

I absolutely love the expression on his face in the next picture! I think he had had enough by this time.

Now, on to Caroline's first...... She held her bottle for the first time. I'm not really sure she new what she was doing or if Uncle Kenny positioned her hands on the bottle, but she held it for a while (long enough for the shocked mom to take tons of pictures!). I don't think Connor held his so soon. I've got to get out his book and see.
My big girl (who loves to eat)
Looking for the camera... She knows mommy loves to take pictures!

I absolutely love being a mommy to my two great kids! I thank the Lord everyday for them. They never cease to amaze me!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Caroline's 3 month pictures

Caroline had her three-month pictures taken last Saturday. Here's one of my favorites. Heather with Newman's Photography took them. She always does an excellent job. Both Connor and Caroline always seem to be in a bad mood during the photoshoot, but somehow Heather always seems to get some great shots! Go to the following link to look at Caroline's pictures. I think they are so cute, but I'm also a little biased!


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hello Blog World and Bama Football

Well, it's official..... I'm now a blogger! I've been thinking about doing this for some time now and recently bit the bullet. I think it will be fun documenting our CRAZY life. Life is crazy with two children--both under the age of two, you know!

Besides today being the first time I've posted a blog, it's also the first day of BAMA football. GO BAMA!!!!! That's a huge thing in my house. If you don't know my husband, he's a MAJOR Alabama football fan. For the next few months, our life will revolve around Saturday games. I took a few pictures this morning of my family before we started the day...

Jed and Connor going to the store to get the stuff for our game day chili. We have to cook it...It's a game day tradition in our house!

"Little Sister" wearing Connor's Bama t-shirt and her cute football bow.

Connor sporting his jersey and hat.
Today is also special because it's my Daddy's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY from all of us!