Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hello Blog World and Bama Football

Well, it's official..... I'm now a blogger! I've been thinking about doing this for some time now and recently bit the bullet. I think it will be fun documenting our CRAZY life. Life is crazy with two children--both under the age of two, you know!

Besides today being the first time I've posted a blog, it's also the first day of BAMA football. GO BAMA!!!!! That's a huge thing in my house. If you don't know my husband, he's a MAJOR Alabama football fan. For the next few months, our life will revolve around Saturday games. I took a few pictures this morning of my family before we started the day...

Jed and Connor going to the store to get the stuff for our game day chili. We have to cook it...It's a game day tradition in our house!

"Little Sister" wearing Connor's Bama t-shirt and her cute football bow.

Connor sporting his jersey and hat.
Today is also special because it's my Daddy's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY from all of us!

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