Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day---A Day of Firsts

We enjoyed a great Labor Day holiday. Both Jed and I really enjoyed being away from work and spending time at home with the kids. We cooked out at Nay-Nay's house (Jed's mom). I absolutely love it when we "get together" with our families! Both Connor and Caroline did something for the first time........

Connor jumped off the diving board! He has hated the pool all year. Instead of swimming, he would rather be playing on the tractor or with the water hose. He saw his Uncle Kyle jump off of the diving board, thought it was fun, started running towards it, climbed on, and jumped off into Jed's arms. I couldn't believe my eyes! Of course, I had to get my camera, but he jumped so fast I missed the first jump. These pictures are of some of his later jumps. He probably jumped off about five times!

Connor playing on the tractor before he realized he liked to jump off of the diving board.

Thinking about it......

Maybe not.... I'll leave that up to the big guys!

Jumping with cousin Kade's help.

I absolutely love the expression on his face in the next picture! I think he had had enough by this time.

Now, on to Caroline's first...... She held her bottle for the first time. I'm not really sure she new what she was doing or if Uncle Kenny positioned her hands on the bottle, but she held it for a while (long enough for the shocked mom to take tons of pictures!). I don't think Connor held his so soon. I've got to get out his book and see.
My big girl (who loves to eat)
Looking for the camera... She knows mommy loves to take pictures!

I absolutely love being a mommy to my two great kids! I thank the Lord everyday for them. They never cease to amaze me!!!!!!!!!

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