Tuesday, September 29, 2009

21 is a lot of fun!

Our Connor man turned 21 months yesterday! I know I keep saying this, but I just can't believe it! Where is the time going? Isn't there a song named "Don't blink...."? I guess I blinked....

Connor has grown so much lately.... He is a total DADDY'S boy! Wherever his daddy goes, he thinks he needs to be there also. Jed can't even take a shower without Connor standing at the door screaming for him. He's sleeping in a big boy bed at daycare, but refuses to sleep in his own bed at home. He sleeps right in the middle of Jed and me. He will decide he's sleepy, go get in the bed, and go to sleep; he just won't do that in his own bed! We've really got to start working on that!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, he absolutely loves Caroline! We have truly been blessed in that aspect. We were so worried about how he would handle it (having a little sister so close to him in age), but he's been a trooper! He also loves his cousin Kade. When Kade holds him, he puts his head on his shoulder. It's the cutest thing! He also can point to his ears, nose, eyes, hair, mouth, teeth, and toes. He calls every animal a puppy. He loves to ride in his wagon, swing, and "mow the grass" with his mini lawn mower. He loves playing with spoons and bowls, sweeping, and mopping. He also loves to run away from Jed and me, which is what he did Sunday when I tried to take his picture!

Some of his favorite phrases and words:

  • thank you
  • off
  • light
  • Bible
  • sister
  • Turn it off.
  • Shhhh
  • Hush, puppies! (when they bark)
  • Give me a bite.
  • No, No sister.
  • Nonner (his version of Connor)
  • Night, night.
  • Huh? (He says this Jed and I tell him anything. He acts as though he can't hear a word we say!)

Connor you are an absolute joy, a wonderful blessing from the Lord! We are so thankful the Lord chose us to be your parents!


Anonymous said...

where does he getr that smile from

Anonymous said...

and they one i love best? ..... Cumin my ass