Sunday, November 29, 2009

Caroline is six months old!

Our sweet baby girl is six months old.  At her 6 month check-up, Dr. E said she was a healthy little girl.  She weighed 15 pounds and 13 ounces.  She was 27 inches long.  Here are a few things about her and what she's been up to:

She is now sitting up all by herself.  This happened on November 7.  I remember this because Jed had flown to the Bama vs. LSU game, and he missed it.  But Connor and I just laughed and laughed at her.  We were so proud!  She was a little wobbly at first, but now she's a pro!!

She's also drinking some juice out of a sippy cup.  She's not holding it by herself, but she can sure suck on it.  I don't do this often but occasionally.  I had to because she almost attacks Connor to get to his cup.

She's finishing up her stage 1 baby food and eating some stage 2.  She'll be completely on it by next week.  She's also finishing up size 2 diapers and moving into size 3s.  The 2s were beginning to look like bikini underwear.  She is wearing a few 3-6 month dresses, but she is mainly wearing 6 months and 6-9 month sizes.  

She REALLY loves her bottle.  If there is one in sight, whether it's empty or full or whether she just ate, she will pitch a fit until you give it to her. 

She cries if you take a toy away from her.  She will also lung herself to get to an object, especially earrings, necklaces, watches, and diamonds.  I think we're going to be in trouble in this aspect.  She loves all things sparkly!!

She squeals to get Connor's attention.  And when she gets it, she laughs and bangs her toys to make him laugh.  It thrills my soul to see them playing with each other and loving each other!!!

She loves her toys.  Yesterday she sat in the floor while I was decorating the tree.  I put her basket of toys beside her and she grabbed out what she wanted.  She has a little baby doll that she likes right now.  She also loves rattles.

She has been sucking on her pacifier a little more lately and not her pointer finger!!  Hooray!!  Maybe she will continue to love her pacifier more....

Sweet Caroline, we love you SO much!  You are precious--a true blessing!!  


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