Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving! (yesterday)

Lately, I've been days or even weeks late on everything that I've posted, but I couldn't let this holiday go by without posting several things I'm thankful for.....

I'm thankful for....
  • God.  He is so wonderful and mighty.  I've seen Him work so much in my life in the last three years.  He loves me more than I can even fathom.  He sent his Son for me (and you).  I never really knew what a sacrifice that was until I had children of my own.  Now I have a whole new perspective....  It brings me to my knees to know that he sent his precious Son for me.  Thank you God for forgiving me of my many sins and blessing me daily!
  • my husband.  He loves me and our children with all of his heart.  He is a good man, a loving husband, and a great father.  He watches our children (by himself) for me to work out two nights a week.  He bathes both Connor and Caroline everynight.  He loves the Lord and strives to be a good example for our children (except during the Alabama and Auburn football game, but we're working on that!  Ha, ha!!).  
  • my children.  I have two wonderful children.  It is so hard to imagine what life was like before them.  They are such blessings.  I love watching them grow, discover, and love each other everyday.  They both bring me so much joy and happiness!!!
  • my health.  I kind of took this for granted until I became pregnant with Connor and had SO many complications and such a close call the night he was delivered.  I am so thankful that the Lord was with me, Connor, and the doctors and nurses that took care of me that night. 
  • my family.  I am so thankful for my family, all of my family--my parents, brothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephew, and my in-laws.  They have all been such a support throughout my life.  We love getting together and being with each other.  They all love me for who I am and for that I'm thankful. 
  • my friends.  I have had so many friends during my lifetime.  Some are close friends; some were high school friends; some are "teaching" friends; some are blogging friends; some are college friends; some are camp friends.  Every one of my friends have a special place in my heart.  I am so thankful for each of you!!!   
  • my job.  I have a wonderful job.  I work at a great school with good people.  I have been teaching for almost six years.  I have taught approximately 100 different children.  They have all taught me so many things.  They make me laugh, sometimes their situations make me cry.  I am so thankful that the Lord blessed me with the talent to teach.  I pray I touch my student's lives as much as they touch mine!         

This is just a small list of what I'm thankful for.  There is so much more.  But it's late, and I'm getting tired! We had a great Thanksgiving and are looking forward to Christmas...

I couldn't post without doing a picture or two.  Here's a few more fall pictures of the kids....


1 comment:

The Bowers said...

I enjoyed reading that. Don't we all have so many things to thank God for? Would you ever have imagined 7 years ago when you were asking me for my rent check that our lives would be so blessed?